tan Patterns
CSS3 red and tan argyle pattern
You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg,transparent calc(50% – .8px),#283618 50%,transparent calc(50% + .8px),transparent 100%), linear-gradient(-45deg,transparent calc(50% – .8px),#283618 50%,transparent calc(50% + .8px),transparent 100%), conic-gradient(from -135deg at 49.5% 100%, #f6d4ba 90deg, transparent 0 100%), conic-gradient(from 45deg … CSS3 red and tan argyle pattern
You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).
body {
/* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */
linear-gradient(45deg,transparent calc(50% - .8px),#283618 50%,transparent calc(50% + .8px),transparent 100%),
linear-gradient(-45deg,transparent calc(50% - .8px),#283618 50%,transparent calc(50% + .8px),transparent 100%),
conic-gradient(from -135deg at 49.5% 100%, #f6d4ba 90deg, transparent 0 100%),
conic-gradient(from 45deg at 49.5% 100%, #f6d4ba 90deg, transparent 0 100%),
conic-gradient(from -45deg at 100% 49.5%, #f6d4ba 90deg, transparent 0 100%),
conic-gradient(from -45deg at 0% 49.5%, #f6d4ba 90deg, transparent 0 100%);
background-color: #d1495b;
background-size: 120px 120px;
CSS3 geometric circle pattern
You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: radial-gradient(circle, #f5ecd7 20%, transparent 21%), radial-gradient(circle, #856020 30%, transparent 51%), radial-gradient(circle, #856020 60%, transparent 61%), radial-gradient(circle, #f5ecd7 80%, transparent 81%), radial-gradient(circle, #856020 90%, #856020 91%); background-color: #856020; background-size: 150px 150px; … CSS3 geometric circle pattern
You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).
body {
/* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */
radial-gradient(circle, #f5ecd7 20%, transparent 21%),
radial-gradient(circle, #856020 30%, transparent 51%),
radial-gradient(circle, #856020 60%, transparent 61%),
radial-gradient(circle, #f5ecd7 80%, transparent 81%),
radial-gradient(circle, #856020 90%, #856020 91%);
background-color: #856020;
background-size: 150px 150px;