CSS3 red and green plaid pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 0%, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 20%, rgba(200,200,200,.6) 20%, rgba(200,200,200,.6) 30%, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 30%, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 50%, transparent 50%), linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 0%, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 20%, rgba(200,200,200,.6) 20%, rgba(200,200,200,.6) 30%, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 30%, rgba(255,0,0,.4) 50%, transparent 50%); CSS3 red and green plaid pattern

CSS3 gold puzzle pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: radial-gradient(at 10% 60%, gold 0 17%, #fff 0 20%, transparent 0 20%), radial-gradient(at 60% 5%, gold 0 17%, #fff 0 20%, transparent 10%), linear-gradient(90deg, #fff 3%, transparent 0 50%), linear-gradient(180deg, CSS3 gold puzzle pattern

CSS3 gold outline overlapping circles pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background: radial-gradient(transparent 70%,gold 71%, white 73%), radial-gradient(transparent 70%,gold 71%, white 73%) 50px 50px, conic-gradient(white 25%, white 0 75%,transparent 0); background-size: 100px 100px; background-color: white; }

CSS3 red target pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: radial-gradient( circle,#c00 2%,white 5%,white 10%,#c00 12%,white 15%,white 20%,#c00 22%,white 25%,white 30%,#c00 32%,white 35%,white 40%,#c00 42%,white 45%,white 50%,#c00 52%,white 55%,white 60%,#c00 64%,#f00 65%); background-size: 100px 100px; background-color: #fff; }

CSS3 red and tan argyle pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg,transparent calc(50% – .8px),#283618 50%,transparent calc(50% + .8px),transparent 100%), linear-gradient(-45deg,transparent calc(50% – .8px),#283618 50%,transparent calc(50% + .8px),transparent 100%), conic-gradient(from -135deg at 49.5% 100%, #f6d4ba 90deg, transparent 0 100%), conic-gradient(from 45deg CSS3 red and tan argyle pattern

CSS3 geometric circle pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: radial-gradient(circle, #f5ecd7 20%, transparent 21%), radial-gradient(circle, #856020 30%, transparent 51%), radial-gradient(circle, #856020 60%, transparent 61%), radial-gradient(circle, #f5ecd7 80%, transparent 81%), radial-gradient(circle, #856020 90%, #856020 91%); background-color: #856020; background-size: 150px 150px; CSS3 geometric circle pattern

CSS3 green square pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, white 50%, #859020 47%, transparent 50%), linear-gradient(180deg, white 50%, transparent 53%); background-color: #859020; background-size: 60px 60px; }

CSS3 eyeball pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: radial-gradient(circle, black 10%, transparent 11%), radial-gradient(circle, #abfb17 10%, #6db614 20%, #6db614 25%, transparent 26%), radial-gradient(circle, white 30%, #dfdfdf 49%, black 50%); background-color: #000; background-size: 60px 60px; }

CSS3 purple & black stripe pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #000 20%, purple 20%); background-color:black; background-size: 50px 50px; }

CSS3 red brick pattern

You can download the pattern or use the CSS3 code below (you can copy the text).body { /* CSS3 pattern provided by JonesPatterns.com */ background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, #901520 47%, white 50%, transparent 51%), linear-gradient(-315deg, #901520 47%, white 50%, transparent 51%); background-color: #901520; background-size: 60px 60px; }