Privacy Policy

Last updated: 5/22/24
External Links
This site contains links to other sites. is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these sites (except for All links to external websites will open in a new window/tab (depending on browser settings).Cookies does use cookies. See Third-Party Services(s)

JavaScript does use JavaScript on the website.

Third-Party Service(s) currently connects with the following external content, privacy policies/statements are included.
Google Analytics

Technology methods are used by third-party ad services to be applied to the advertisements and links that are displayed on, this is sent directly to the user’s browser(s). The methods used would automatically receive the user’s IP address. The layouts of such advertisements are formatted to fit well with the site’s content layout, in a way not to cause problems with the usability and readability of content. There may be other technology methods used, these may be cookies, website beacons, and even JavaScript are used to gather information by the third-party services to obtain information about the advertisement. The information may also be used to personalize the advertisement’s content for the user. has no access and control over the cookies used by the advertisements provided by the third-party service.

For more information about the privacy policies of the third-party service(s), please consult with the proper parties that can grant you the necessary details regrinding their practices (general information, instructions to opt-out of certain practices).

The Privacy Statement of state’s the general information of third-party services. The Privacy Statement of does not apply to, and I cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

Disabling Cookies

Users are welcome to disable cookies on their own browse. To obtain information about disabling cookies on your browser(s) this can be found at the browser’s service website.

Contact Confidentially
All contact between the user and the administrator is kept confidential.

This site is rated “General”, which states that this is a safe general website for any audiences.

Notification of Changes
If it is decided to change the Privacy Statement, the administrator will post a notice of the changes on the blog so the user(s) will be aware of the change.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, contact the administrator via email at